New image captured by NASA shows spiders crawling over the surface of the Mars
Jul 14, 2018New image captured by NASA shows spiders crawling over the surface of the Mars. The photo was taken on May 13th and on Thursday, this photo was posted as NASA’s image of the day. The scenic... -
NASA plans to launch the first-ever helicopter to Mars in 2020
May 12, 2018The US space agency said on Friday it plans to launch the first-ever helicopter to Mars in 2020, a miniature, unmanned drone-like chopper that could boost our understanding of the Red Planet. Known simply as “The... -
NASA to launch lander in Mars that aims to listen for quakes
May 5, 2018NASA is poised to launch its first lander to Mars since 2012, an unmanned spacecraft called InSight that aims to listen for quakes and unravel the mystery of how rocky planets like Earth form. It is... -
NASA to go on a journey to study the interior of Mars
Apr 1, 2018NASA is about to go on a journey to study the interior of Mars. The space agency held a news conference at its Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, detailing the next mission to the... -
NASA to delay the first two missions of its Orion deep-space capsule
Apr 15, 2017News Hour: NASA will probably delay the first two missions of its Orion deep-space capsule, being developed to send astronauts beyond earth’s orbit and eventually to Mars, the US space agency said on Thursday. A report... -
Scientists are growing potato under conditions that mimic the Mars in an experiment in Peru
Mar 11, 2017News Hour: Potatoes on Mars? Scientists are reporting promising results growing the tuber under conditions that mimic the Red Planet in an experiment in Peru linked to US space agency NASA. “Preliminary results are positive,” the... -
Europe reaches crucial stage in quest to scour the Red Planet for signs of life
Oct 14, 2016News Hour: Thirteen years after its first, failed attempt to place a rover on Mars, Europe reaches a crucial stage on Sunday in a fresh quest to scour the Red Planet for signs of life, this... -
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk to unveil plan to build human colony on Mars
Sep 27, 2016News Hour: SpaceX chief Elon Musk is set on Tuesday to unveil his ambitious plan to build a human colony on Mars after sending a manned spacecraft to the Red Planet within a decade. He will... -
People went into isolation in Hawaii to help NASA plan for mission to Mars emerged
Aug 29, 2016News Hour: The six people who went into isolation for a year in Hawaii to help NASA plan for a mission to Mars emerged Sunday, happy to breathe fresh air and meet new people, reports BSS.... -
Mongol Tori: A boat to Mars from Bangladesh
Jul 28, 2016News Hour: Working on recent inventions is the passion of a team of Brac University Bangladesh. One of the recent work of this team is Mars Rover. The word “Mars Rover” means a boat for Mars...