Workshop on Automobile Engineering held at United International University

News Hour:

On 8th June 2017, IEEE UIU Student Branch organized a workshop on “Basic Automobile Engineering” which was held inside United International University (UIU) premises in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

This workshop was organized for the students of UIU and especially for the students of EEE and CSE backgrounds. The topics that were covered in the workshop were Chasis, Engine, Transmission, Clutch, Suspension, Driveline, Steering wheels and Embedded Systems of the automobile.

Mr. Mehrab conducting the workshop

Mehrab Masayeed Habib, the Founder of Bangla Automobile School, conducted this workshop. He is an EEE graduate and passionate about cars. Mehrab Habib developed an anti-collision system device for the automobile which was accepted as a paper in IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer Engineering organized by CUET in February 2017. Later on, this paper was included in the IEEE Digital Explore.

Ms. Tishna Sabrina, Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, UIU is awarding a crest to Mr. Mehrab

However, a total of 40 students participated in this interactive workshop where they were given an insight into the basics of Automobile Engineering. The workshop was concluded by providing certificates to the participants and Ms. Tishna Sabrina, Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, UIU awarded a crest to Mr. Mehrab.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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