USAID funded MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Project has been working in the remote areas in Bangladesh to ensure proper maternal health care.
In the Nijhum Dwip of Hatiya Upazila in Bangladesh, Nijhum Dwip Union Parishad and the Department of Family Planning has established a Union Health and Family Welfare Center with the technical support from Save the Children which was implemented by Resource Integration Center (RIC). All kinds of maternal health care and round the clock delivery service is provided in this center. JCI Dhaka Central has supported the cause by providing financial support to construct the access road to ensure women’s safe journey to the health care center. The community along with the local government and voluntary organizations spontaneously took part in the construction of the access road and beautification of the center.
Md. Mahbub Morshed, Upazila Chairman, Hatiya inaugurated the project. The program was led by Md. Meheraj Uddin who is the Chairman of Nijhum Dwip Union Parishad in Hatiya. Moreover, A K M Jahirul Islam, Deputy Director of Family Planning, Noakhali, Md. Salah Uddin, Senior Manager, Save the Children, Dino Bandhu Dutta, Deputy General Manager – Program, RIC and Abu Taleb Siddique, 2017 Local President, JCI Dhaka Central were present in the event.