Adviser seeks Germany’s support for locomotives, carriages

Muhammad Fouzul Kabir Khan, an adviser to the Ministry of Railways, requested Germany’s assistance today in obtaining locomotives and carriages as well as in boosting the usage of renewable energy.

According to an official release, the adviser—who is also in charge of the ministries of power, energy and natural resources, road transport, and bridges—made the comments following a meeting at the Railway Bhaban here with German Ambassador to Bangladesh Achim Tröster.

The ambassador welcomed and congratulated Fouzul Kabir Khan on his appointment as an adviser to the interim administration during the meeting.

Speaking of the German Railway Department, Achim Tröster gave the adviser his word that the required cooperation would be provided in this regard.

He stated that the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to boost the usage of renewable energy is now taking place between the governments of Bangladesh and Germany.

The envoy said, “Bangladesh will receive the required financial, technical, and policy support if the MoU is signed.”

Advisor Fouzul Kabir stated that the current administration has been striving to meet the public’s expectations.

“The government’s top priorities are to prevent corruption, establish good governance, lessen people’s suffering, and meet public expectations,” he stated.

Sardar Shahadat Ali, the director general of Bangladesh Railway, and railway secretary Abdul Baki were present at the meeting.ves, carriages

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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