MineHarmony enters stage of large-scale commercial use with 5G+AI

Huawei has recently announced successful integration of 5G+AI in its special operating system for mines. Now this integrated OS can facilitate large-scale commercial use.

MineHarmony OS, a joint innovation by Huawei and China Energy Investment Corporation. The system has been deployed on 3,300 sets of equipment in 13 mines and one coal washery.

In particular, the system has been deployed throughout the entire Wulanmulun (also known as Ulan Moran) Mine in Inner Mongolia, where significant progress has been made in connectivity, interface, and data access. The operating system covers a multitude of innovative scenarios, including smart control of equipment, auto patrol of fixed sites, and online upgrade of equipment, the time for which has been shortened from one day to just four minutes.

On the way to digitalization and smart mining transformation, the first challenge for any mine is establishing the interconnectivity and interoperability of equipment and inaccessibility of data. Key to this is to find the most suitable network technologies.

As a leading-edge Industrial IoT OS, MineHarmony not only provides unified protocols for different equipment, but also simplifies operations with unattended inspections. Furthermore, 5G+AI video stitching technologies have enabled remote and precise control of mining machines, which in turn allows people working in offices to remotely control underground operations, thereby improving their work environment as well as mining safety. It can ensure 24/7 intelligent monitoring, in addition to cutting the number of underground inspection personnel by 20%.

Underground coal mines are fitted with all kinds of devices and equipment running on different protocolls, and finding a way to connect them all is a major challenge. For this, the Huawei Mine Team and China Energy teamed up with over 30 partners to develop MineHarmony, the first Internet of Things operating system in the mining sector, in just three months.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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