Every week, we round up the most hilarious tweets from moms and dads. As 2017 draws to a close, it’s time to laugh at the best parenting tweets from the whole year (because, let’s be honest, we could use some extra laughter this year).
Scroll down to read the best of 2017
Me expecting my 1st baby: I’ll love him and guide him and always be there Me now: JUST FIGURE IT OUT I MEAN C’MON GUYS JEEZ I JUST SAT DOWN — Kim Bongiorno (@LetMeStart) July 9, 2017
Me expecting my 1st baby: I’ll love him and guide him and always be there
— Kim Bongiorno (@LetMeStart) July 9, 2017
Well, you’re up early. -Me, greeting my children every morning since they were born — Unremarkable Files (@ThatEvansLady) March 27, 2017
Well, you’re up early.
-Me, greeting my children every morning since they were born
— Unremarkable Files (@ThatEvansLady) March 27, 2017
Parenting is 99% getting roasted by your kids. — MotherPlaylist (@MotherPlaylist) September 1, 2017
Parenting is 99% getting roasted by your kids.
— MotherPlaylist (@MotherPlaylist) September 1, 2017
My 2-year-old called the vehicle for sick people a “wee woo truck” and now I don’t even remember what the right name is anymore. — James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn) May 17, 2017
My 2-year-old called the vehicle for sick people a “wee woo truck” and now I don’t even remember what the right name is anymore.
— James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn) May 17, 2017
Receptionist at pediatrician’s office: Child’s birth date and year? Me, mother of 3: Wow ok I didn’t know there was going to be maths *nervous laughter* let’s see he’s four, it was late April or May, rainy I think, he’s a classic Gemini if that helps, this isn’t in his file? — Honest Toddler’s Mom (@HonestToddler) December 1, 2017
Receptionist at pediatrician’s office: Child’s birth date and year?
Me, mother of 3: Wow ok I didn’t know there was going to be maths *nervous laughter* let’s see he’s four, it was late April or May, rainy I think, he’s a classic Gemini if that helps, this isn’t in his file?
— Honest Toddler’s Mom (@HonestToddler) December 1, 2017
Never was there a woman so sought after as a mother talking on the phone OHMYGOD I’LL ANSWER YOUR 37 QUESTIONS WHEN I’M OFF GET AWAY FROM ME — CrazyExhaustion (@CrazyExhaustion) January 5, 2017
Never was there a woman so sought after as a mother talking on the phone OHMYGOD I’LL ANSWER YOUR 37 QUESTIONS WHEN I’M OFF GET AWAY FROM ME
— CrazyExhaustion (@CrazyExhaustion) January 5, 2017