Samsung Mobile Bangladesh has started handing over the much-awaited Samsung Galaxy Note 9 to around 2,000 customers from yesterday to customers who pre-ordered the device, at a ceremony held at Samsung brand store at Bashundhara City Shopping Mall. 21 customers will also receive another Note 9 absolutely free with pre-order as gifts. In addition to that rest of the customers who pre-ordered the device got to win a JBL flip 4 speaker or wireless charger as free gifts.
Since the pre-order announcement of the device on August 13, Samsung has received an overwhelming response from customers who wanted to grab the latest product in Samsung’s most premium Note Series. The pre-order quantity surpassed the anticipated quantity, pleasantly leading Samsung to run out of stock before the end of the campaign.
“We express immense gratitude to all the customers who have come forward and pre-ordered the Note 9. The pre-order campaign was a huge success surpassing our expectations. I would like to thank all our partners including Robi, Grameenphone, Standard Chartered Bank, Pickaboo and bKash for making the campaign a success. We are very glad to handover the pre-order devices to our customers on time,” said Muyeedur Rahman, Head of Business, Samsung Mobile Bangladesh.
With this Samsung Mobile Bangladesh has also announced the launch of the device in the market. Customers can purchase Samsung Galaxy Note 9 from official Samsung stores across the country shortly; telecom operators Robi and Grameenphone are providing free internet data with purchase. The phone is available in three different colors, Midnight Black, Ocean Blue and Metallic Copper. The flagship device is priced at BDT 94,900 only.