Weight loss seems to be an endless battle when nothing ever gives you the results you are looking for. While there is no exact formula for weight loss that works for everyone, there is one secret to weight loss that does seem to consistently work, and luckily, you don’t have to starve yourself for it.
Instead of excessive dieting or exercise, one secret to weight loss is to build up your energy so that you can better take care of yourself. This sounds like common sense, but too many people neglect their own health thinking that they don’t have enough time for themselves (or shouldn’t, because that would be too selfish), while buying into the lie that not eating is how you are going to feel better about your weight, reports Family Share.
Increasing your energy and stamina has many benefits alongside helping you lose weight. In fact, the benefits that come from added energy are some of the factors that help you lose that weight. Increased mental ability to make clearer decisions helps you to avoid make rash decisions with food or your health habits. A more optimistic outlook helps you to make and keep goals, like eating healthier and exercising. An added level of confidence improves your relationships with others, and helps you to believe that you can create healthy habits that will allow you to lose weight.
This doesn’t mean that you should stock up on energy drinks or hidden supplies of caffeine. The kind of energy you need to lose weight is energy that you build up naturally. It takes time and a determination to stick with new habits, but the end results are worth it, however difficult it may be to start these habits.
With more energy, you are more likely to eat right. You know the feeling when you come home after a long day, and the last thing you want to do is cook a meal? You’re already hungry, why take the time to cook when you can just order a pizza or take-out? While these are good “fast” options, they aren’t “good” for you in a way that is going to help you lose weight. Professionals believe that healthy eating habits are what help people to consistently lose weight that they won’t readily gain back.
For example, moms who find themselves too absorbed in helping their children don’t reserve enough time or energy for themselves. In this way, they unknowingly make their whole family suffer. But if they were to begin eating right, they would see their energy increase and waistline decrease. Plan meals beforehand, take dietary supplements and vitamins, don’t withhold food you love from yourself…continuing with these and other healthy eating habits even after you lose the weight you desire naturally allows you to keep the weight you want.
Another lifestyle habit that will give you more energy to lose weight is exercising daily. When you don’t feel like you have the energy to exercise, THAT is when you should exercise, because in a paradoxical way you get the energy required for exercise FROM exercise. The best workouts for weight loss are ones that involve both cardio exercises and strength training. The more you get your heart pumping and the more muscle you build, the more weight you will lose, but only if you keep up the routine. For sustained weight loss, you need to find a workout routine you can sustain so that you can continue to increase your energy each day.
Yes, you have full permission to sleep! Some people pride themselves on their ability to live off of little sleep, but this isn’t going to help you have enough energy to do your best, and certainly won’t help you to lose weight. Studies show that getting enough sleep actually helps you lose weight, one reason being that you have more energy to make healthy decisions everyday. With that increased energy and stamina you get from sleeping, you are not as prone to lounge on the couch after a long day.