In August 2015, the AIIB Preparations Management Co. Ltd issued a notice on its website stating unequivocally that it had never granted any authorization to any legal person, organization or individual to design, coin or sell commemorative coins and/or similar souvenirs in the name of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
The AIIB, which officially succeeded to the AIIB Preparations Management Co. Ltd in January 2016, has never granted any authorization to any legal person, organization or individual to design, coin or sell commemorative coins in the name of AIIB. The AIIB has not authorized the production or sale of AIIB souvenirs, although it may do so in the future.
The AIIB has recently been made aware of false advertisements and potential sales of commemorative coins or other unauthorized souvenirs using the name of AIIB.
In reaction to such production, sale and advertisement, the AIIB reserves its right to take any administrative and/or legal action necessary against the relevant legal persons or individuals for the sake of protecting its rights and reputation.