The Republic of Korea’s Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and the government of Bangladesh inked separate agreements today to give Bangladesh a $8.85 million grant for a road sector project.
According to a press release from the Economic Relations Division (ERD), the Terms of Reference (ToR) and Record of Discussion (RoD) for the project named “Capacity Development for Smart Maintenance Technology of Bridges under Roads and Highways Department in Bangladesh” were signed today.
The RoD and ToR were signed by Taeyoung Kim, the Country Director of KOICA, on behalf of his organization, and Mirana Mahrukh, Additional Secretary and Wing Chief (Asia, JEC, and F&F), ERD, on behalf of the Bangladeshi government.
The Road Transport and Highways Division of the Roads and Highways Department will be in charge of carrying out this project.
The project will be implemented with a grant of $8.85 million (around Taka 108.00 crore) from KOICA.
The project’s major goal is to increase bridge safety by employing smart technologies for bridge maintenance.
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