“To Kill a Tiger” is an Oscar-nominated documentary. Priyanka Chopra said she was thrilled to be joining the team and that the project really touched her.
Well-known for her contributions to international and Indian film, the actress expands her career once again as an executive producer of the documentary “To Kill a Tiger,” which is nominated for an Academy Award.
She was excited about the project’s concept and used her social media platform to share her feelings about joining it and her strong affinity to its content.
A new post from Deadline claims that in addition to Priyanka, notable individuals on the team are Dev Patel and Mindy Kaling. Priyanka also revealed that Nisha Pahuja’s powerful film has been given worldwide distribution rights by Netflix.
When Priyanka saw the film for the first time in 2022, she remembered being captivated by its heartwarming tale right away. The video shows the unwavering love and steadfast determination of a dedicated father for his cherished daughter by depicting a father’s brave battle within the court system to obtain justice for his daughter.
“To Kill a Tiger”, directed by Nisha Pahuja, is a Canadian documentary that has received widespread recognition, including a nomination for Best Documentary Feature Film at the 96th Academy Awards, set to take place on March 10, 2024.