Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are campaigning in Florida, a key battleground state that could tip Tuesday’s US presidential election.
Florida is the largest swing state and is seen as a must-win for Mr Trump. The Republican candidate will later fly to North Carolina before heading west to Nevada, reports BBC.
Opinion polls in recent days have suggested Mr Trump is gaining support but he still remains behind Mrs Clinton in most surveys.
In Florida, the contest appears to be tight. Real Clear Politics’ poll average puts the Democratic candidate ahead, but poll analysis website FiveThirtyEight says Mr Trump has a 52.6% chance of winning the state.
US President Barack Obama won Florida in 2012 by a margin of just 0.9% over Republican Mitt Romney. Candidates need 270 electoral college votes to win the presidency. Florida is worth 29.
Some 37 million early voters have already cast their ballots. Reports suggest many more Latino voters are turning out early in key states including Florida, Arizona and Nevada compared to past elections.
Florida has a significant Latino population, including many Cubans.
Mr Trump told a rally in Tampa: “I say to the Hispanic community living in the inner city, to the African-American community, I say: what the hell do you have to lose?”
He said Cubans supported him. He said he would provide jobs and solve crime for inner-city communities. After campaigning in South Florida, Mrs Clinton will make an appearance in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, alongside pop star Katy Perry.
Hispanics make up 16% of registered voters in Florida this election, the Associated Press reports, up from 13.5% in 2012.
American Hispanics mostly vote Democrat but Florida’s large Cuban population – which make up 31% of the state’s Hispanic vote – have traditionally voted Republican.
Donald Trump recently began to speak out against the US lifting its economic embargo on Cuba in a play for older voters, analysts say.
But they also point out that as more younger Cubans have settled in Miami, support for warming US-Cuba relations – which Mrs Clinton backs – is growing among the community. Polls now suggest that more Miami Cubans are against the embargo than for it.
Mr Trump’s divisive and insulting comments about immigrants from Mexico and elsewhere have also angered many Latinos.
Both candidates held rallies in Ohio and Pennsylvania on Friday. In Cleveland, Mrs Clinton ended the day’s campaigning at a concert, where she was joined by the singer Beyonce and her husband, rapper Jay Z.
The Clinton campaign is putting on several events with high-profile figures from the entertainment world as it tries to energise young and minority voters.