Police officer Derek Chauvin has been convicted of the murder of George Floyd

The United States saw a rare-epoch-making verdict! Derek Shovin, a white police officer, was convicted of killing George Floyd, a black man.

The 12-member jury announced the landmark verdict on Tuesday. The day before, the arguments of both sides ended. Communications at a hotel were cut off to reach a final decision on the jury’s verdict. The jury members will not be able to come out until a unanimous decision has been reached.

The tumultuous trial has been going on for the last three weeks. So that the allegation of murder by suffocation by pressing with the knee for 9 minutes is proved. The jury found the white police officer guilty of murder and attempted murder.

In May last year, Minneapolis police arrested George Floyd for using counterfeit notes. At that time, the United States was involved in extrajudicial killings. The ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement started.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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