The world’s smallest breed of cow ‘Punganur’ in danger of extinction

The world’s smallest breed of cow ‘Punganur’ is in danger of extinction. At present, there are only 70-80 cows of Punganur breed in the world.

Once upon a time, this cow was seen at home in Andhra Pradesh, India. The cow is named after the town of Punganur in this state. The height of adult cows of this breed is only about two and a half feet.

This cow was once very popular among the poor people of Andhra Pradesh as it required less food. Now it is seen only in some government farms.

According to the Indian Ministry of Agriculture, farmers are losing out to the more profitable big cows, the local breed of Punganur cows. However, due to its small size, the demand for it is increasing in many rich families as a pet instead of a dog or a cat.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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