Australia plans to give about 85 million doses of the vaccine to the public if the two vaccines tested prove successful. Prime Minister Scott Morrison says his country has agreed to get two vaccines.
One of the two vaccines is the Oxford and AstraZeneca vaccine and the other is the Queensland University and CSL vaccine. This information has been informed in a report of BBC.
Morrison added that if the two vaccines prove successful, they will be given to the public free of charge. Once the vaccine is approved for use, it will be made available to the public next year. This will cost Australia about 124 million US dollars.
The Prime Minister of Australia has said that 2.5 crore people in his country will start getting vaccinated from next January. Of course, there is no guarantee yet. However, in the agreement reached for vaccination, Australia will be in the first row of the vaccinated country. For this, we have to get the green signal from the experts of the country first.
In the case of the two vaccines in Oxford and Queensland, people need to be vaccinated in two doses.