Coronavirus has spread all around the world. Even it spreads in Bangladesh as well. To date, in the whole world, 1.7 million people have been infected and more than 100 thousand people have died. In Bangladesh, 482 people have been infected and 30 people died due to Coronavirus to date.
People are panicked on Coronavirus. Due to the lockdown, it is almost impossible to visit the hospital for medical treatment in the country. For this reason, Physicians of Bangladesh for Bangladesh (PBB) has started mobile hotline care for telemedicine service to provide healthcare service and Coronavirus related information over the phone. This initiative began its operation very recently.
The service will remain active every day from 8 AM to 12 PM and then 5 PM to 8 PM.
In this initiative, many specialized doctors are involved from all across Bangladesh. The list below contains the specialized doctors’ names who are involved in the initiative and are ready to provide telemedicine services through this hotline care.
List of Physicians of Bangladesh for Bangladesh (PBB)