Today, Dhaka reaffirmed its concern and requested the Italian embassy to take the necessary steps to expedite the resolution of the current visa backlog and to dispose of the applications of prospective Bangladeshi workers.
According to a news release from the foreign ministry here, the request was made while Italian Ambassador to Bangladesh Antonio Alessandro paid Foreign Secretary Md. Jashim Uddin a courtesy call at the latter’s office.
The Foreign Secretary brought up the backlog of visa applications, especially those from prospective migrant workers, during the conversation.
He added that such delay in issuing visa might result in the work permits (Nula Ostas) getting expired or cancelled while causing huge financial, social and psychological distress on the visa aspirants and their families.
Ambassador Alessandro took active note on the point, the press release said.
However, he explained that the new Italian law temporarily suspends any Nulla Ostas granted to Bangladeshi nationals up until October 22 of last year.
According to the envoy, the embassy made the decision to return the travel documents of people who had already applied for visas prior to the law’s passage.
The Ambassador further explained that the only body in Italy that can confirm or revoke a Nulla Osta is the Provincial Immigration Authority, which is responsible for conducting the re-examination process.
He noted that the Embassy is powerless to become involved in the investigation of the pending Nulla Osta.
With regards to a query on processing times, the Italian Ambassador explained that the Embassy is not in a position to conclude each visa process within the period of 90 days.
It occasionally takes more than ninety days to process work visa applications that are submitted in Bangladesh and the necessary control on the implementation of the “Flow Decree” in Italy.
Ambassador Alessandro clarified that the legal suspension has frozen the expiration date for the length of “Nulla Osta.”
To accelerate the reexamination of the outstanding Nulla Ostas and resolve the matter as soon as possible, Ambassador Alessandro promised the Foreign Secretary that he would forward the request to Italy’s appropriate authority.
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