Govt to recruit 2,000 doctors through special BCS exam

To address the shortage of doctors in the nation’s most rural parts, the interim administration has made steps to hire 2,000 doctors through a special Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) exam.

The top adviser’s special assistant, Dr. Md. Sayedur Rahman, presented the strategy today at a news conference at the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

“In this regard, we have already written letters to the ministry of public administration,” Dr. Sayed stated, adding that the government has also suggested that the ministry raise the age limit to 34 years old so that only physicians can take the BCS exams.

Dr Sayed said though some 3,463 doctors will be recruited through the last three regular BCS examinations (45th, 46th and 47th), the government has planned to recruit 2,000 more doctors through the special BCS examination considering the crisis of doctors in the country’s remote areas.

He also revealed the government’s plan to introduce a uniform salary structure for doctors serving in private institutions.

“It is difficult to formulate a uniform pay scale for doctors, their assistants and nurses because salary structure may vary based on geographical differences of the institutions they work at,” said Dr Sayed. 

Dr Sayed, however, mentioned that a uniform minimum salary structure for private doctors will be proposed. He said the minimum salaries of doctors, their assistants and nurses will be determined following discussions with the owners of private medical service institutions.

“We are hopeful that we will be able to announce a salary structure within a few days,” he said.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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