Argentine envoy pays courtesy call on Adviser Asif Mahmud

Today, Marcelo Cesa, the ambassador of Argentina to Bangladesh, paid Asif Mahmud Shojib Bhuyain, the youth and sports adviser, a courtesy call at his ministry.

According to a Youth and Sports Ministry press release, the meeting covered a number of current topics, such as developing the sports industry, expanding the RMG sector, creating jobs for Bangladeshi youth, investigating foreign labor markets, and fostering cultural exchange between the two nations.

In the meeting, Asif Mahmud, also adviser of the Local Government, Rural Development (LGRD) and Cooperatives   said there is a lot of scope  to work  between the two countries in the areas of cultural exchanges and sports sectors.

On matters like agriculture, trade, business, and the environment, he believed that Argentina and Bangladesh might cooperate.

Among those in attendance were senior officials from the Ministry of Youth and Sports, South America Wing Assistant Secretary Siam Rahman, South America Wing Director Tarik Hasan, and Director General of the South America Wing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kazi Anarkoly.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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