Beaumont, Texas, experienced rare snowfall, making it memorable experience for residents

Yesterday, Beaumont, a city in Southeast Texas has experienced snowfall which is rare in the region. Due to the snowfall, the city turned into white with snow. This snowfall has made it memorable experience for people living in the city.

The National Weather Service issued its first-ever blizzard warning for Beaumont and the surrounding areas, reports Texas Standard. Offices, universities were closed yesterday and today due to this snowfall.

People of the city kept themselves busy in snapping photos, recording videos to make this memorable in their life as snowfall is very rare here. Some tried to make snowman with the snow. The temperature of the city also dropped due to this snowfall.

Beaumont, Texas is typically a city of warm weather, despite the temperature drops a lot during the winter. But the snowfall is rare here. In 2021, there was snowfall in Beaumont for the last time. But in last 50 years, Beaumont experienced such snowfall of up to 5 inch.

Mehrab Masayeed Habib studied Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) at American International University Bangladesh (AIUB) and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering from Lamar University, Texas, USA. Currently, he is working as a volunteer research assistant in USA. He also works for News Hour. He is passionate about automobiles. He is also the founder & CEO of Bangla Automobile Skills.
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