New trains on Ctg-Cox’s Bazar route start running soon

By this month, two regular trains, the Prabal Express and the Saikat Express, will begin service on the Chattogram-Cox’s Bazar route.

According to railway officials, each of the two trains will feature sixteen carriages. A daily total of 2,972 passengers will be able to ride thanks to the 743 seats.

Two train pairs have been proposed to be called “Prabal Express” and “Saikat Express,” according to a letter from the Ministry of Railways to the local railway authority.

On Thursday, the ministry issued a letter of consent for the movement starting this month and fixed the names of the two trains.

Talking to BSS, Engineer Md Sabuktogeen, General Manager (GM) of Railway Eastern Region, said “We have decided to run two pairs of trains on the Chattagram-Cox’s Bazar route by this month.

“We will decide the exact opening date and schedule time in a meeting to be held on Monday (tomorrow),” he said adding that there will be a discussion on how to reduce train time for passengers’ relief.

Abu Bakkar Siddique, assistant chief operating officer of Eastern Railway, told BSS that although ‘Saikat Express’ and ‘Probal Express’ trains are non-AC, But there will be first-class cabins, first-class chairs and luxury chairs.

“It will take four hours to go to Cox’s Bazar from Chattogram. The train will stop at major stations. It will run like an intercity train. We will also add food cars on both the trains”, he said.

Saikat Express will leave Chattogram at 6.15 am and to reach Cox’s Bazar at 9.55 am while the Prabal Express will leave from Chattogram at 3.10 pm and reach Cox’s Bazar at 7.00 pm.

Conversely, the Prabal Express is scheduled to depart from Cox’s Bazar at 10.35 am and arrive in Chattogram at 2.15 pm, while the Saikat Express is scheduled to depart from Cox’s Bazar station at 8.15 pm and arrive in Chattogram at 11.50 pm.

At eight stations, the Saikat Express will stop. Janalihat, Patiya, Dohazari, Satkania, Chakaria, Dulhazra, Ramu, and Sholoshahar are among them.

At ten stations, the “Prabal Express” will stop. Gumdandi, Patiya, Dohazari, Satkania, Lohagara, Chakaria, Dulhazra, Islamabad, Ramu, and Sholoshahar are the stations. Every Monday, these two trains will be closed.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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