Italy to support Bangladesh’s police reforms: envoy

According to Italian Ambassador Antonio Alessandro, Dhaka will see formal migration to Italy and Italy would support Bangladesh’s police reforms.

The remarks were made by the ambassador during a polite visit to Chief Adviser Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus at his Tejgaon office.

The main topics of discussion during the conference included police reforms, economic and trade cooperation, and safe, orderly, and regular migration to Italy.

The meeting came a week after the Chief Adviser and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni held a one-on-one meeting at the UN Headquarters in New York.

During the UN meeting, Prof Yunus called for the large-scale formal migration from Bangladesh to Italy. Meloni said both nations should work hard to cut irregular migration.

“We want to protect Bangladesh migrants. We have to work for better regular migration,” Ambassador Alessandro said.

The Italian ambassador praised the reform efforts of the Interim Government. He offered Italian support for police reforms, including training for the security forces.

“Our police do it in several countries,” he said.

The envoy expressed optimism that the two countries’ bilateral trade will “rebound soon.” According to him, the two countries’ current bilateral trade is valued at about $2.5 billion.

The ambassador said that the Italian Embassy would shortly host a ballet and a film festival.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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