Swiss vote on pensions and environmental protections

Although Switzerland is known for its stunning natural settings, environmentalists are warning that the country’s ecosystems are in danger and are pleading with voters to support stronger protections for biodiversity in a Sunday ballot.

Polls seem to indicate that this proposal will not pass, and the Swiss are also expected to reject a planned overhaul of the financing of the pension system in the wealthy Alpine nation, which has been branded as a “scam” by unions.

In Switzerland’s direct democratic system, popular polls are held every couple of months, and the majority of voters cast their ballots in advance. On Sunday morning, voting places will only be open for a short while.

Early findings should be available by mid-afternoon.

Pro Natura and BirdLife are two of the environmental protection organizations that support the first proposal, “For the future of our nature and our landscape.”

These alert us to the fact that biodiversity in Switzerland “has declined”.

“Switzerland has one of the highest levels of threatened species and environments among the European countries in the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation)”, Sarah Pearson Perret, a Pro Natura director, told AFP, citing a report by the European Environmental Agency.

According to a 2020 study, Switzerland has the lowest proportion of protected zones relative to its total territory of any country in Europe.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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