France President Macron greets Chief Adviser Prof Yunus

President Emmanuel Macron of France has congratulated Professor Muhammad Yunus on taking up his role as principal advisor to the Bangladeshi government in transition.

“Allow me to extend my sincere congratulations to you on your appointment as Chief Adviser to the Interim Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh,” he wrote in a letter to Prof Yunus.

The letter was received here today.

Macron said as Bangladesh now enters a period of transition, the interim government Yunus leads will have the important task of preparing the ground for democratic elections and ensuring that a return to calm and national reconciliation can be achieved.

 “As such, I welcome the messages you have already sent in this regard,” he said.

“In this complex period that your country is going through, please know that you can count on the full support of France,” the letter read.

The president of France expressed his particular optimism that their collaborative efforts to continuously improve their bilateral connections will be able to continue, especially on important issues like the battle against poverty, climate change adaptation, and respect for human rights and diversity.

“We rejoice working with you and your teams and I wish you every success in meeting the challenges awaiting you,” he said.

Mridha Shihab Mahmud is a writer, content editor and photojournalist. He works as a staff reporter at News Hour. He is also involved in humanitarian works through a trust called Safety Assistance For Emergencies (SAFE). Mridha also works as film director. His passion is photography. He is the chief respondent person in Mymensingh Film & Photography Society. Besides professional attachment, he loves graphics designing, painting, digital art and social networking.
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