‘Star Wars’ star Daisy Ridley diagnosed with Graves’ disease

In a recent interview, British actor Daisy Ridley disclosed that she received a diagnosis of Graves’ illness, an autoimmune thyroid disorder, last year.

The 32-year-old, who gained popularity from her leading part in the most recent “Star Wars” trilogy, has previously talked about her battles with polycystic ovaries and endometriosis.

However, Ridley claimed in a Tuesday essay published in “Women’s Health” that she was extremely tired and agitated following the completion of the 2023 thriller “Magpie” shoot.

She claimed that at first, she attributed the severity of the part to her symptoms, which also included hand tremors and weight loss.

“I thought, ‘Well, I’ve just played a really stressful role; presumably that’s why I feel poorly,” she said.

But discussing the symptoms with her doctor ultimately led to her being diagnosed with Graves’ disease.

Graves’ disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism, and is more likely to affect women than men, according to the European Thyroid Association.

Other celebrities to have suffered from it include rapper Missy Elliott and former US first lady Barbara Bush.

“We all read the stats about women being undiagnosed or underdiagnosed and sort of coming to terms with saying, ‘I really, actually don’t feel good,'” said Ridley.

In addition to becoming vegan, Ridley claimed that since receiving her diagnosis, she has also changed her diet to consume less gluten.

2019 saw the conclusion of the last Star Wars trilogy with “Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker.”

Since then, Daisy Ridley has reprised her role as Rey in one of three upcoming feature films that Disney has claimed will be based in George Lucas’ science fiction universe.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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