France backs Moroccan claim over disputed Western Sahara

Morocco’s contentious plan for autonomy over the disputed Western Sahara region has the support of France.

French President Emmanuel Macron stated that the “only basis” for resolving the protracted war is to propose Western Sahara become an autonomous territory of Morocco in a letter to King Mohammed VI of Morocco.

“The present and future of Western Sahara fall within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty,” Macron wrote in the letter that was made public on Tuesday.

“France intends to act consistently with this position at both national and international level.”

The Polisario Front, which claims to represent the indigenous Saharawi population, insists that Western Sahara should be an independent country free from Moroccan control.

Up until 1975, Western Sahara was an African colony of Spain.

Following Spain’s withdrawal, Morocco, who claimed the territory, and the Polisario Front went to battle. Because of the violence, tens of thousands of Saharawi refugees have been living in camps in Algeria across the border for decades.

The United Nations started organizing a vote on the region’s status in 1991. Nevertheless, conflicts about who should vote caused the process to stagnate.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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