Iran rejects accusations implicating it in plot to kill Trump

Iran denied on Wednesday the “malicious” claims made by American media that it was involved in a plan to assassinate former US President Donald Trump.

According to a CNN report on Tuesday, the former president’s protection was increased after US authorities allegedly obtained information on an alleged Iranian plot against him some weeks ago from a “human source”. The purported scheme was also reported by other US sites.

According to CNN, there was no connection between the alleged plot and the shooting that occurred at a Trump campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, which left a supporter dead and the former president injured.

The US National Security Council said it had been “tracking Iranian threats against former Trump administration officials for years” after Tehran threatened revenge for the 2020 killing of Revolutionary Guards commander Qasem Soleimani in a US drone strike in neighbouring Iraq.

Iran’s mission to the United Nations called the accusations “unsubstantiated and malicious”.

Iran “strongly rejects any involvement in the recent armed attack against Trump,” stated Nasser Kanani, spokesman for the foreign ministry.

Still, he stated that Iran is “determined to prosecute Trump over his direct role in the assassination of General Qasem Soleimani”.

Overseeing Iranian military operations throughout the Middle East, Soleimani was in charge of the Revolutionary Guards of Iran’s international operations division.

Just outside the airport in Baghdad, Trump gave the order for a drone to murder him.

Mridha Shihab Mahmud is a writer, content editor and photojournalist. He works as a staff reporter at News Hour. He is also involved in humanitarian works through a trust called Safety Assistance For Emergencies (SAFE). Mridha also works as film director. His passion is photography. He is the chief respondent person in Mymensingh Film & Photography Society. Besides professional attachment, he loves graphics designing, painting, digital art and social networking.
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