In pursuit of a regional wholesale electricity market, Ceres applauds the recommendations made today by the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative. This is a significant step toward enhancing grid reliability, affordability, and the deployment of clean energy while optimizing benefits for large energy customers throughout the western states.
The three phases outlined in this proposal would establish an autonomous regional organization with the broadest possible reach throughout the West. The first phase entails significantly altering the Governing Body of the Western Energy Imbalance Market’s independence while staying within the bounds of the law as it stands. The next stage would be to establish a brand-new, independent regional company that could take advantage of the current market infrastructure to cut expenses. A complete range of market services could then be enabled as a result of these actions.
In addition to organizing corporate lobbying for significant commercial, industrial, and institutional energy consumers in the area by publicizing their design and feature recommendations, Ceres has long supported the creation of a regional power market in the West.