Millionaires in Bangladesh own more than half of all the money deposited in financial institutions other than banks. The entire amount of deposits held by the nation’s financial institutions at the end of December of last year was Tk 448.3 billion (Tk 44,830 crore), of which Tk 248.76 billion (Tk 24,876 crore), or more than 55%, was made up of deposits from millionaires.
The deposit amounts held by these depositors in the financial institutions range from Tk 10 million (Tk 1 crore) to Tk 150 billion (Tk 150 crore). Six accounts in the financial institutions have deposits totaling more than Tk 1 billion (Tk 100 crore). Alone, these six accounts have deposits totaling around Tk 10 billion (Tk 1000 crore).
These numbers were from a Bangladesh Bank report on the most recent financial situation of the banking institutions. There are 40 financial institutions in the nation, both private and specialized, the research claims. Of them, three are government owned, thirty-two are privately held, and five are specialized financial institutions.
These 40 financial institutions held the accounts of 432,221 depositors as of the end of December of last year. With deposits ranging from Tk 5000 to less than Tk 10 million (Tk 1 crore), there were 425,934 depositor accounts.