Recently, at Hotel Bengal Canary Park in Dhaka, the British Council’s “Building Agency for Youth in Climate Action” initiative held its grand finale for the Accelerating Green Innovation through Youth Entrepreneurship (AGIYE 2.0) component.
With assistance from ActionAid Bangladesh and the British Council, the Bangladesh Youth Environmental Initiative (BYEI) coordinated the initiative.AGIYE is a part of the British Council-funded “Building Agency for Youth in Climate Action” program. Youth skill development for resilient communities and sustainable livelihoods in climate-vulnerable areas is the goal of this program.
Following an open appeal, 135 green business ideas were submitted for AGIYE 2.0. Of these, 20 entrepreneurs with great potential were chosen to take part in the Green Entrepreneurship Bootcamp (GEB), which took place in Khulna from February 9–12.Through comprehensive training and skill development in a range of areas, such as marketing, finance, distribution, and the ecological environment of green business, GEB enabled participants to hone their green company concepts.The top 10 concepts were then narrowed down to pitch at the Grand Finale, which was attended by representatives from the corporate sector, INGOS, IGOs, startup ecosystems, investors, and other stakeholders.
The top ten suggestions included a range of commercial notions aimed at different districts. These concepts sought to strengthen various groups, such as indigenous farmers in the Chattogram Hill Tracts, regional potters, and traditional craftspeople. Some concepts aimed to improve the environment by developing biodegradable substitutes for plastic and other non-sustainable materials.