On average, Bangladeshis make more money than individuals in Pakistan and India. This is how income is calculated within the nation. People in both nations used to make significantly more money than those in Bangladesh twenty years ago.
Bangladesh was referred to as a “basket case” after gaining independence. However, in terms of GDP per capita, Bangladesh outperformed two of the major South Asian countries in just 50 years after its independence. For the past 20 years, Bangladesh has outperformed India and Pakistan in a number of economic and social metrics, such as the average life expectancy, the literacy rate, the empowerment of women, and others.
As per International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bangladesh has been ahead of India for four years at a stretch in terms of per capita GDP. The country has had a higher per capita GDP than Pakistan for eight years now. Bangladesh’s per capita GDP is USD 2621 while India has USD 2,612 and Pakistan has USD 1,471.
Former state minister for planning Shamsul Alam told Prothom Alo that the economy of Bangladesh has benefited from the progress of one and a half decades. The economy had progressed steadily until Covid. Not only in per capita GDP, Bangladesh surpassed India and Pakistan in education, health, women empowerment and so on. Pakistan’s per capita GDP is now slightly more than half of Bangladesh’s. Bangladesh edged India during the Covid.
He said Bangladesh is reaping the benefit of preparing the budget in a planned way for the last 15 years. Everything including growth rate, investment and infrastructural development had been done in a planned way which contributed to the current situation.