According to a government decree, sales of loose soybean oil will not be permitted after July 31 because “it is not healthy and continues to be vitamin-deficient,” according to a statement made on Wednesday by the Directorate of Consumers’ Rights.
According to news agency UNB, it will launch a campaign to ensure that the prohibition on its sales begins on August 1.
At an awareness workshop on the Consumer Rights Protection Act, 2009 and price increases of items on Wednesday at the Economic Reporters Forum (ERF) Auditorium, AHM Shafiquzzaman, director general of the Directorate of National Consumers Right Protection (DNCRP), told journalists of this.
According to the law, he claimed, bottled soybean oil must be marketed starting on August 1 and loose oil cannot. With a view to preventing the sale of loose soybean oil, the DNCRP will take action on the ground.
The National Heart Foundation would promote consumer rights in the campaign, he said, and it will be run concurrently across the nation.
Mizanur Rahman, a professor at the Dhaka University marketing department, attended the event as the chief guest, and ERF President Mohammad Refayet Ullah Mridha oversaw proceedings.
The Ministry of Commerce decided earlier on July 20, 2018, that after July 31, 2023, loose soybean oil cannot be sold on the market. Due to the Ministry of Commerce’s decision, the DNCRP will begin an operation to halt the sale of loose soybean oil.