A day after her 85-year-old husband, King Harald V of Norway, was brought to the hospital due to an infection, Queen Sonja announced on Tuesday that her husband was doing “very, very well.”
The latest in a string of recent health concerns, Harald, who has ruled the Scandinavian country for more than 30 years, was admitted to an Oslo hospital on Monday for treatment with intravenous antibiotics.
“Fortunately, he’s doing very, very well. The king will probably return home in a few days,” Sonja said during a visit to another hospital.
Harald, who now uses crutches to get around, just underwent knee surgery, had COVID, and has respiratory issues. In August, he was hospitalized with another infection.
In addition, the king had operations in 2003 for bladder cancer and in 2005 for heart valve issues.
The former yachtsman who competed in the Olympics has refused to step down and competed in the World Sailing Championships in late July.
He has been in power since January 1991 and is the grandson of Haakon VII, the first Norwegian regent following the country’s independence from Sweden in 1905.