The movie “Hawa” by Mezbaur Rahman Sumon was presented in local theaters last Friday. Since its debut, the film made by Sun Music and Motion Pictures Limited has left a distinctive impression on Bengali cinema history.
The most frequent headline in the media before to the release of Hawa was “Hawa” ticket Hawa (Disappeared). The public is having trouble getting tickets for the movie, which hasn’t happened in the case of any Bengali movie recently, not just before the release but even after it was shown in theaters last Friday.
“Hawa,” Mejbaur Rahman Sumon’s directorial debut, is shattering records across the nation. The impact of “Hawa” was also felt in some of Dhaka’s most famous theaters, including Madhumita Cinema Hall, where the movie’s three opening performances were completely sold out for the first time ever.
There is a rush to sell advance tickets at Dhaka’s Star Cineplex, Blockbuster Cinemas, Lion Cinemas, Sirajganj’s Roots Cineclub, and all the multiplexes in the nation. Senior manager Mejbah Uddin Ahmed of Dhaka’s Star Cineplex reported that all performance tickets had already been sold in his hall as of tomorrow, Monday. There are tickets available for the upcoming days. The same thing is happening in other single-screen cinemas as well.
The same statement was made by Atiqur Rahman, general director of Sirajganj Roots Cineclub; all tickets are sold out through August 1. Up until August 4, advance tickets can be purchased. Tickets are sold out till Monday, according to Mahbub Rahman, assistant manager of Blockbuster Cinemas’ marketing division. Real Saudagar, a representative of the Bogra Mom Inn theatrical hall, claimed that even for them, ticket sales had ended as of today.
Although it’s unfortunate, the fact that “Hawa” tickets are being sold on the black market for excessive prices demonstrates how much interest the audience has in the movie. The movie also brought back memories of the 1990s for many in the film industry.
The owners of the halls, who struggled to maintain a steady clientele, particularly during the pandemic, are overjoyed about the change in routine. The movie “Hawa” has been well welcomed outside of Dhaka. Since its release, the movie has consistently played to a full house at Cinemascope in Narayanganj, despite only having four shows each day.
The movie “Hawa” by Mehbaur Rahman Sumon opened on Friday at 24 theaters across the nation, including all multiplexes. Even before “Hawa” hits theaters, the public has demonstrated a tremendous interest in the film. There was a social media uproar. It is evident from the audience’s reaction on an opening day in cinemas outside of Dhaka and in Dhaka that this storm will not abate any time soon. Best of luck to the movie and to all who made it possible.