imo brings in new feature ‘iBubble’ to facilitate convenient communication

instant messaging app imo has recently launched a new feature in Android version of imo called as ‘iBubble’ to empower tech-savvy people to communicate in a more convenient and efficient way. This feature will enable friends’ messages to float on screen as bubbles so that users do not miss any important messages, and thus strengthen connections with their close ones.

This feature will help the users to notice messages (that will float as bubbles on the screen) while doing other tasks at the same time and consequently, empower them to maintain or strengthen connections in a more effective way with their close contacts. The users will have freedom while using this feature. For ‘message alert’, users can apply this feature for ‘all contacts’ or selected close ones up to 5 people. If selected contacts commence the communication with the user, friends’ avatar and chats, if there is any, will float on the screen, making it visible to the user instantly.

This new iBubble chat feature comes with a number of benefits including a functional design focused on the users’ close relationship, here an imo user could prioritize their most important connections, a smaller space requirement on screen for imo’s iBubble chat and notification regarding the online status of the users’ close contacts are also enabled.

To activate this feature, the user will enter profile page in imo app, find out the feature ‘iBubble’ and tap it. On the iBubble feature page, activate the ‘turn on switch’. After activation, the users can choose different user groups for ‘messages’ and ‘online notification’. However, the users can also remove it out on demand, by keep pressing ‘floating bubble’ and drag it down to the ‘X’ in the bottom center of screen.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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