Popular actress Mumtaheena Chowdhury (Toya) was seriously injured in the shooting set. Tya was reportedly taken to Evercare Hospital in bloody condition and given first aid.
On Thursday (February 3) at a shooting house in Uttara, Toya was shooting a drama whose name was not published yet.
It is learned that the drone camera used by Russell Sikder, the director of the play, lost control when it suddenly lost control and hit Tya just above his eyes. Upon receiving the news, Tire’s husband actor Syed Zaman Shaon went there and rushed the injured Toya to Evercare Hospital. After this incident, the shooting of that unit stopped immediately.
It is learned that Tya could not move even though he wanted to move just before the drone hit. He had a cut on his eye and had to undergo surgery. However, Toya is now reported to be at rest at home.