Biden issues fresh warning to Russia against invading Ukraine

President Joe Biden of the United States has issued a new warning to Russia, saying that if its military moves beyond the Ukrainian border, it will be regarded a “invasion.”

The United States has warned that Russia, which has gathered tens of thousands of troops on Ukraine’s borders, may invade at any time.

Biden told reporters on Thursday that he had been very transparent with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Biden emphasized the importance of being ready for cyberattacks, “gray-zone” strikes, and Russian forces not wearing their own uniforms.

He claimed that Russia has a long history of carrying out aggression through means other than overt military force. “Remember when the ‘Little Green Men’ marched into the Donbass? They were dealing with Russian sympathizers and said that Russia had no representatives in the country “he stated

Soldiers in plainclothes, dubbed “little green men” by some, rushed across Crimea in 2014, laying the groundwork for Russia’s takeover.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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