The executive committee 2021-22 of the scientific organization named the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) at the Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, which is a joint venture of the students and teachers has been announced on the 30th of July, Friday.
A webinar was hosted where the chairman and the invited guests were present .The new committee was declared by honorable advisor and the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering , professor Dr. Jamal Uddin Ahmed and professor Dr. Sajal Chandra Banik.
Moreover, respected officials from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) – Tania Rodrigez and Gopika Ganga Nair were present as the special guests in the webinar along with others.
The new committee will be chaired by Joy Barman Sagar, a student of the department of mechanical engineering and Md. Shihab Mortuza will be working as the General Secretary from the same department.
On the other hand, Shaswato Barua, Sanjida Sharmin and Mahbub Morshed will perform their role as the Vice-chairs respectively and Arnab Das Anik will be working as the Joint General Secretary of the new Executive Committee.
Other members of the Executive committee includes Rahatul Islam as Organizing Secretary, Khowshik Dey as Finance Secretary, Adittya Barua as IT Secretary , Abdullah Fuad as Public Relations Secretary and Shabnam Pervin Shimla as Program Planning Secretary.
About the future planning of the present executive committee, the current chair has expressed that he is very delighted and proud to be elected as the chair of a student chapter that is related to a world class platform like ASME.
“Our former committee has worked relentlessly to uphold the honor and reputation of this student chapter to the international arena. Also our respected teachers has stretched out their full fledged support and encouraged us to perform well. I wish the journey of this organization will be more successful in the near future through sincere dedication from this committee’’, he said.
It is to be noted that, CUET is the pioneer of introducing ASME student chapter- first ever in Bangladesh. Despite the ongoing pandemic, this organization had arranged various online events and competitions namely Extrusion, Centroid, Next scholar and other career-oriented webinars throughout the year benevolently.