There is a dispute on Twitter with the Indian government over digital law. Meanwhile, allegations surfaced that the Twitter account of the country’s Information Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad had been blocked. According to Twitter, the digital millennium in the United States has been infringed upon. So his account was blocked for some time.
Ravi Shankar Prasad said that after some time, access to the account of the Information Technology Minister was restored. He wrote on the microblogging site Co, ‘Friends! A very strange thing happened. The company blocked my Twitter account for over an hour. He was alleged to violate US Digital Millennium Copyright Act. However, he returned it shortly. ‘
He added that Twitter’s move violated the provisions of India’s Information Technology Act 2021. As a rule, Twitter had to give notice before denying access to his account.
The Indian government conflicts with Twitter over the new digital law. Twitter has been given one last notice to comply with the latest digital law. If not, Twitter will face severe punishment. Multiple social media, including Facebook, Google and YouTube, have already accepted the new law. But the Twitter authorities refused to get it.