realme is giving lots of surprises, one after another. The highest MP-equipped camera smartphone in the industry realme 8 Pro has a 108MP ultra-quad camera. In just a few weeks of the official launch in the country, realme 8 Pro is bringing another great design variant – Illuminating Yellow. The design inspired by Pantone’s “Color of the Year 2021” will make this design shine even in the dark.
Also, for the first time, realme Buds Air 2 and realme Buds Air 2 Neo with Active Noise Cancellation Mode are going to be officially launched in the market.
Less than a few weeks after the unveiling of the long anticipated smartphone realme 8 Pro, a new model of 8 Pro with great look is going to reappear among the youngsters. The fluorescent technology has been integrated into the back shell of the Illuminating Yellow model using ultra-modern process. This is why the new design variant of the realme 8 Pro is able to scatter light in the dark if left in the light for a while. Illuminating Yellow has a bright yellow-colored camera module as well as similarly colored ‘Dare To Leap’ slogan printed on the back of realme 8 Pro, which has reflected the Brand Slogan.
Along with the yellow edition, realme will also introduce AIoT products – realme Buds Air 2 and Buds Air 2 Neo within particular price range for the first time. Due to the active noise cancellation, even in a noisy environment, you can talk peacefully and listen to music.
There is great battery backup as well and super low latency mode for seamless gaming. These two new AIoT products of realme coming with the combination of all the fascinating features will give the users a unique experience while enjoying their music and everyday communication.
With the theme ‘Enlighten the Youth’ during the online launch event, realme will share stories from some young talents who have explored a different field and set trend in their fields. Through these stories, it can be seen how they used their light and spread it to others inspiring and enlightening them in different field.
realme which has always given priority to the development and needs of the young generation always strives to ensure maximum technological benefits along with great design. The imminent online launch event will focus on how it is possible to be successful by capitalizing on the current trends and technology.
According to recent Canalys report, realme is now one of the top three smartphone brands in Bangladesh. The current prime goal of the brand is to ensure the availability of all the great smartphones and AIoT products in the market keeping pace with the needs and requirements of the youth.