15 killed in Guinea gold mine landslide

At least 15 people have been killed in a landslide at a gold mine in the West African country of Guinea. International media Al-Jazeera reported that the accident took place on Saturday (May 7th) near the village of Tatakourau in the northeastern Siguiri region of the country.

A Guinean government official told Al Jazeera that the dead had died on the spot. It was possible to recover their bodies in the evening. According to Al-Jazeera, the 15 people killed between the ages of 14 and 40 were all men. They are buried in a grave.

Such mine accidents often occur in Guinea. As a government, more than 20,000 people work in gold mines in the region. In these gold mines, the artisans work in the traditional way by tunneling. Due to this, almost all the mine accidents have taken place, according to the international media.

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