The Delhi High Court has issued a notice banning filmmakers from making a film based on the biography of the late Sushant Singh Rajput. The notice was sent at the request of Sushant’s father.
Sushant’s hanging body was found at his Bandra residence on June 14 last year. Since then, the question has arisen, the cause of death of this actor is a suicide, or something else? Since then, several directors have wanted to write screenplays on the subject. It was even rumored that the ‘TickTock’ star would be seen in the role of an actor to look like Sushant.
But Sushant’s family strongly objected to this. In the end, his father KK Singh approached the court. An appeal was filed in the Delhi High Court seeking a stay on Sushant’s biography. Following the appeal, Justice Manoj Kumar Ohri issued a legal notice to those interested in making a film on Sushant’s biography.
The notice said no information about Sushant’s personal life could be disclosed. This will violate the fundamental right of the actor and his family to protect their privacy. No film production or writing can be published without the permission of Sushant’s successors.
It is learned that Sushant’s father has said in the court application that the investigation into Sushant’s death is still pending. At this point, his biography could influence the judgment of filmmaking. It can even affect the mentality of the public.
KK Singh’s lawyer Akshay Dev said Sushant’s family wanted to ban the publication of any film or book so as not to affect the ongoing investigation.