Four students of Rajshahi University have walked about 100 km to protest against the ongoing rape and oppression in the country. They started walking from Kishoreganj on Saturday afternoon and reached Shahbagh in Dhaka around 4.30 pm on Tuesday.
These students are Iftikhar Alam, a student of the Philosophy Department, Tanvir Saqlain, a student of the Materials Science and Engineering Department, BD Raihan of Economics Department and Ashfaq Anik of the Music Department.
The students say that they have taken this program out of anger over the incidents of rape in the country. Their goal was to start walking from a district 100 km away from Dhaka. That is why Kishoreganj was chosen.
Iftikhar Alam told to the media,”we want a permanent solution to the rape case. The rapist should be punished in solitary confinement, the maximum punishment should be given. The maximum punishment for murder is also death. Yet murder is not decreasing in society. So first of all we have to create an environment to stop rape in society.