Chiranjeevi Sarja, a popular actor in the Kannada film industry of India, has passed away. The actor died of a heart attack on Sunday. Samples have been taken for the COVID-19 test as per the instructions of the Government of India. However, it is not yet known whether he was affected by the coronavirus.
He has acted in many films like ‘Chiru’, ‘Singra’, ‘Amma I Love You’, ‘Atagara’. He was admitted to a private hospital in Bangalore on Saturday with breathing problems and chest pain. Doctors have tried hard to save him. The actor died on Sunday. He was only 39 years old.
Chiranjeevi was a close relative of Kannada actor Arjun Sarja. He was the grandson of veteran actor Shakti Prasad. He started his career in the Kannada film industry as an assistant director with Arjun Sarja. He started his acting career in 2009 with the film ‘Vayuputra’ after working as a director for almost 4 years.
This actor was very popular in the Kannada industry. Colleagues and frends have mourned his death.
Deeply saddened and shocked to hear the passing away of #ChiranjeeviSarja. A young talent gone too soon. Condolences to his family and friends. — Anil Kumble (@anilkumble1074) June 7, 2020
Deeply saddened and shocked to hear the passing away of #ChiranjeeviSarja. A young talent gone too soon. Condolences to his family and friends.
— Anil Kumble (@anilkumble1074) June 7, 2020