New Apple Watch pride edition helps to celebrate virtual pride worldwide

This year’s artfully unique Pride Edition Sport Band is joined for the first time by the new Apple Watch Nike Pride Edition Sport Band.

Both are available on, Apple Store apps and Apple stores, and nicely paired with the new Combined Pride Watch face that will be coming soon as part of WatchOS.2.2.5.

Apple not only aims to help users celebrate Pride in their own lives but it also directly supports the work of organizations and advocates.

Through these efforts, Apple and Nike showed their support for LGBTQ organizations to make significant progress and community building around the world, including GBSN, PFLAG, The Trevor Project, Gender Spectrum, the National Center for Transgender Equality, and ILGA World.

The new Apple Watch Pride Edition Sport Band includes a distinctive vertical-stripe rainbow design and the Apple Watch Nike Sport Band is reimagined with the colors of the rainbow.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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