Recovery rate of COVID-19 patients in Bangladesh is lowest in the world

In Bangladesh, 4,998 people tested positive for COVID-19 from March 8 to April 25, only 113 of them which is only 2.26 percent of the patients recovered during the period, which is one of the lowest recovery rates in the world till now.

Health experts have attributed this to a lengthy recovery period of the disease, lower follow-up tests, the weakened immune system of elderly and other people with underlying health conditions and mismanagement in treatment.

According to the experts, Bangladesh is in a better position in Covid-19 management compared to many other countries as most patients here have mild symptoms.

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) Vice-Chancellor Prof Kanak Kanti Barua, IEDCR director Prof Meerjady Sabrina Flora and Dhaka Medical College Prof Khan Abul Kalam Azad stated there is nothing to be worried over the slow recovery rate as the Covid-19 spreads like fire, but patients take much time to recover fully.

They also said there is no precise time during which a coronavirus patient recovers as it could take two to six weeks depending on the severity of symptoms, age and other medical conditions of the patient.

According to worldometer, the global recovery rate was nearly 28.53 percent as of April 25 while it was 7.89 percent in Singapore, 22.04 percent in Indian, 11.73 percent in the USA, 42.77 percent in Spain, 32.31 percent in Italy, 27.62 percent in France,70.65 percent in Germany and 93.4 percent in China.

This article has been posted by a News Hour Correspondent. For queries, please contact through [email protected]
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