Here are a few signs to look out for. They might help you clear your doubt.
1. You never sit wondering “what if?”
What if he’s interested in someone else? What if he hasn’t told me the truth about where he is? What if he wants to celebrate that big promotion without me? What if he finds me annoying? What if I’m not enough?
With the right person, these “what ifs” will never be able to touch you. The right person and the right relationship will provide you with enough security and comfort for you to know and feel that you are, in fact, enough.
2. You’re not scared to spend time apart
You love spending time together, but you’re as comfortable with spending time apart. You’re not insecure about the other having a great time or experiencing something fun without you. You don’t feel the need to take ‘revenge’ and have a better time (especially on social media) just because your partner dared to have a great time when you were away. You’re happy in each other’s happiness and encourage the other to constantly try and take up new and fun opportunities – with or without each other.
3. The prospect of an entire life together does not freak you out
That doesn’t have to mean that you’re ready to jump aboard the marriage ship just yet. It just means that the thought of doing life together – the everyday mundane things – does not scare you. In fact, as odd as it might even seem to you at times, you actually find yourself looking forward to experiencing and building a life together.