Grameenphone WhiteBoard launched ‘FundStarter,’ a platform to promote technology-based startups. The ‘FundStarter’ event was arranged at GP House on December 17, where eight startups, which work on mobile apps and games, showcased their businesses in front of more than 150 investors.
Honorable State Minister of Finance and Planning, M A Mannan, MP was present as the Chief Guest. Grameenphone CEO, Michael Foley, and Deputy CEO Yasir Azman were also present on the occasion.
“FundStarter” is a platform where investors and startups (app, game & web) are brought together to grow the digital ecosystem reciprocally. More than 100 applications from startups were put through a full profile scan on December 6, 2017. The selected eight startup finalists were then put through a boot camp to mentor and prepare them for the final pitching.
Speaking on the occasion, Honorable State Minister of Finance M A Mannan, MP said, “Digitalization is a great leveler of the society and Grameenphone is a pioneer in this field. Our government appreciates the role digitalization plays in the economy and wants Grameenphone, and others like it, to prosper as their prosperity is the country’s prosperity. ”
The eight startups are: Mindfisher Games, Durbin Academy, Meghdut, Khaasfood, Truck Lagbe, Repto, BankcompareBD, and Doctorola. The startups had a chance to pitch their business cases. The investors comprised mainly of high officials from Banks, FMCG, and financial institutions who were interested to learn more about the startups and invest in them.
Emphasizing on the role of startups in digital transformation, GP CEO said, “Digital Revolution is existential for the telecom industry and we look up to these entrepreneurs to build a digital ecosystem that will help us to remain relevant in the digital world.”
Yasir Azman, Deputy Chief Executing Officer and Chief Marketing Officer of Grameenphone said, “We are providing a platform for young entrepreneurs to take their ideas to a professional level. The success of their initiatives will strengthen the digital ecosystem of our country. This initiative is a practical step towards empowering them by connecting with the investors through a rigorous selection process. We are happy to have initiated this approach and looking forward to a fruitful outcome.”
A networking session was followed by the pitch where the investors heard more from the startup stalls and acquainted themselves with the participants for future involvement. Among other guests, Kazi Mahboob Hassan, Head of Transformation, Solaiman Alam, Head of Digital, of Grameenphone and Tina Jabeen, Investment Advisor, Startup Bangladesh, ICT Division were present at the event.