“Tenth South Asian Training Program on CGE Modeling” was held from 12-16 August 2017 at Hotel Sea Crown, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The program was organized by South Asian Network on Economic Modeling (SANEM), Dhaka and co-organized by South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment (SAWTEE), Kathmandu and the Centre for WTO Studies, New Delhi.
Dr. Selim Raihan, Executive Director, SANEM and Professor, Department of Economics, University of Dhaka, was the Instructor of the training program. The objectives of the training program were to impart basic knowledge of theory and applications of CGE model to the researchers in South Asia, enhance policy research capacity using CGE models on issues related to the interlinkages between trade, climate change, and food security, and expand the network of South Asian researchers.
The training program included 31 participants from South Asian countries (20 participants from Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and 11 participants from Bangladesh), who are mostly engaged in research and academia. Sight-seeing for the participants were arranged on 14th August. The training program ended with a certificate distribution ceremony on 16th August 2017.