The Exposure Award—which includes a $7,500 cash grant—is the perfect outlet for your most compelling images.
Over the past seven years, The Exposure Award has honored top photographers from around the world, distributing over $1 million in prizes and awards. The awards and publicity of your work offer a career-defining opportunity.
Whether Fashion, Landscape, Travel, Candid, Digitally Manipulated, Artistic/Conceptual, Self-Portrait and more, submit your images before 7/27 for a shot at The Exposure Award and The Vox Populi Award. For participating a person can submit a series (up to 10 photos) with 55$ entry fee.
Every participant is eligible for two awards. The Exposure Award is granted by the jury panel has $7,500 cash grant, a feature in PDN Magazine and A $1,000 B&H Gift Card. Another one is The Vox Populi Award which is selected by public vote. It has $1,000 cash grant with A $500 B&H Gift Card.
The exposure Award brought to you by Photo District News (PDN) and Rangefinder (Rf).